My first crochet bulldog

crochet french bulldog

The story of my French bulldog goes back to 2018 when a famous Estonian  Instagrammer suggester I`d make Lola and Pepe just like her puppies. It sounded great, but an inspiration never really came, so I postponed and postponed and then finally decided to give up. However, in spring 2019 when my computer crached and I found myself on the floor being entertained only with my yarns and hook, it finally happened. I got an idea of how my bulldog should look like, so I gave it a go. Overall it didn`t go that smoothly, there were long breaks inbetween, but a couple of days ago I finally finished my first bulldog.

To be honest, she didn`t come out close to what I had in mind when I started. I thought I`d be making a puppy almost like a real bulldog, but as you can see she turned into a cutie pie wearing a pink dress :))) But I must admit she looks gorgeous!

I am excited and am already working on my second puppy.

crochet french bulldog
ruffled crochet dress
crochet french bulldog face

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